Monday, May 4, 2009

Dear Friends, The Birds Were Wonderful!

Consider this an early Cinco de Mayo gift:

Alexis Orgera’s Dear Friends, The Birds Were Wonderful! proves that whimsy is nothing if not coupled with melancholy. Orgera, riding shotgun on a road trip through salt flats and suburbs, undercuts her jeremiads with jokes, never snaps a picture of a landmark without someone sad and strange in the frame, twiddles the radio knobs until she finds something disturbing but danceable. Providing “Driving Directions to the Apocalypse” along the way, Orgera gives the reader a map that perhaps looks less like a U.S. atlas than a trashy TV Guide; Orgera slyly makes the argument that both are indistinguishable. With good tea brewing and mild insomnia, any reader of Dear Friends, The Birds Were Wonderful! will find the journey, in turns, terrifying and a hoot.

After thoroughly enjoying Alexis' chapbook, why not send us your own? Our submission period is newly opened, and we're hungry for unpublished chaps. Check out the guidelines and submit, won't you?

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